Professional education and training partner for the global wind industry

Blade C: Repair of complicated blade structural damage 15 days (SE-P-16600)

Continous registration

Blade C: Repair of complicated blade structural damage 15 days (SE-P-16600)

The overall purpose of the course is to enable the participant to expand their knowledge and skills to include the workflow scenario II according to Work Instruction D1464420 Introduction to blade structural repair.

Upon completion of the course the participants are able to:

  • Demonstrate execution of repairs according to relevant Work Instructions (WI) and Checklists (CH) which are mentioned in workflow scenarios II in Work Instruction D1464420
  • Introduction to blade structural repair.
  • Explain with own words the structure of the Integral Blade® and the relation between inner and outer laminate by analyzing the laminate plan.
  • Demonstrate safe and proper handling of grinding/sanding machines and the usage of appropriate PPE according to relevant safety rules in the work instructions.
  • Practice repair quality as specified in the work instructions
  • Discuss and argue why the repair is of bad quality.
  • Demonstrate how to plan the work effectively so that the work gets done correctly in world quality and in the shortest possible time according to time limits given by the instructor.
  • Show how to use appropriate PPE according to relevant work instructions with respect to the material (filler paint and resin etc.) being used.
  • Demonstrate how to document (Photo card, check lists, etc.) the repair work both before during and after repair work.
  • Show how to work safely with epoxy, mixing 2-component material and handle it as specified in the relevant Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
  • Demonstrate and perform quality control on own and others' fiberglass repair work with relevant technical explanation according to work instructions.
  • Demonstrate correct sorting of waste.

Upon completion of the course the participants have obtained the following competencies:
To execute repairs according to relevant Work Instructions (WI) and Checklists (CH) which are mentioned in workflow scenarios II in Work Instruction D1464420 Introduction to blade structural repair


  • Introduction
  • Welcome and safety information
  • Personal safety in relation to work with epoxy resins and isocyanates
  • Assembly of grinder and respirator
  • Safe use of grinder's
  • General repair
  • Using photo card
  • Review of relevant work instruction and check lists
  • How to order a specific laminate plan
  • Review of laminate plan
  • Repair blade to balsa (See D1464420)
  • Curing with heating blanket
  • Take a Tg. sample
  • Repair blade in an area with balsa (See D1464420)
  • Apply filler on the repair
  • Painting the repair
  • Assessment of the repair

Who should attend
This course is intended for Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy's and approved subcontractor's employees whose duties include advanced repair of complicated blade structural damages on SGRE blades.

SE-P-15000 Blade B OR SE-P-15100 Blade B - Basic blade repair OR GWO Blade Repair. Personal Safety when working with Epoxy and Isocyanates in accordance with Executive Order No. 1793, issued by the Danish Working Authority.

12 months

Recertification must be achieved by completing SE-P-16250 Blade C Refresher (Written test) within the 12 months and before expiry of the extant certificate.

Course duration
15 days

Booking of the course
If you want to book the course, please contact SGRE Training Center Brande



AMU-Number Subject Number of days


Birgitte Boe Mogensen
Salgs- og forretningsudvikler