Professional education and training partner for the global wind industry

LPS - Lightning Protection System (SE-P-14700)

Continous registration

LPS - Lightning Protection System (SE-P-14700)

The overall purpose of the course is to enable the participant to replace the lightning receptors, both standards and B40; to perform conductivity measurement with the Megger test set; and to replace and retrofit the root terminal. All task must be performed in accordance with applicable work instructions


Upon completion of the course, participants should have obtained skills to perform:

  • Standard Receptor replacement
  • B40 Receptor replacement
  • Conductivity measurement (Megger test)
  • Root terminal retrofit (socket screw)
  • Root terminal replacement

Performing the full LPS task, based on learning objectives


  • Standard receptor replacement
  • B40 receptor replacement
  • Root terminal replacement
  • Root terminal retrofit
  • Conductivity measurement

Theory / Practice
20% / 80%

Who should attend
Technicians intended to perform the LPS task.

SE-P-15000 Blade B OR SE-P-15100 Blade B - Basic blade repair OR GWO Blade Repair

Personal Safety when working with Epoxy and Isocyanates in accordance with Executive Order No. 1793, issued by the Danish Working Authority.

No Expiry

Course duration
4 days

Booking of the course
If you want to book the course, please contact SGRE Training Center Brande

AMU-Number Subject Number of days


Birgitte Boe Mogensen
Salgs- og forretningsudvikler