Professional education and training partner for the global wind industry

Power edge application (SE-P-17570)

Continous registration

Power edge application (SE-P-17570)

The overall purpose of the course is to ensure that the participants are able to apply the leading edge protection (Power Edge) on blades with eroded leading edge.

Upon completion of the course the participants are able to:

  • Demonstrate mounting the soft shells and tip soft shells (Power Edge).
  • Demonstrate correct use of the vacuum heating blanket and the associated controller.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the available work instructions / checklists and perform the work according to the instructions /checklists.
  • Show how to document the application of the leading edge protection.
  • Demonstrate the correct use of PPE

Upon completion of the course the participants have obtained the following competencies:

  • Applying soft shells and tip soft shells (Power Edge) in accordance with applicable documentation (work instructions, check lists etc.).


  • Understanding of the available work instructions /checklists and perform the work according to the instructions.
  • Application of soft shells and tip soft shells (Power Edge).
  • Use of vacuum heating blanket and associated controller.
  • Correct use of PPE.
  • Documentation of the application of soft shells and tip soft shells (Power Edge).

Theory / Practice
75% / 25%

Personal Safety when working with Epoxy and Isocyanates in accordance with Executive Order No. 1793, issued by the Danish Working Authority.

No Expiry

Course duration
2 days

Booking of the course
If you want to book the course, please contact SGRE Training Center Brande

AMU-Number Subject Number of days


Birgitte Boe Mogensen
Salgs- og forretningsudvikler