Professional education and training partner for the global wind industry

TECHCOLLEGE Composite - Global education & training

At TECHCOLLEGE Composite – Global education and training in Aalborg, Denmark, we offer a wide range of courses and certificates within blade service and repair. The courses include hands-on training in working with composite materials, as well as maintenance, safety when working with chemicals and tools, inspection and documentation.

We educate and train blade technicians and operators from all around the world in training ranging from basic GWO Blade Repair to advanced repair of complicated blade structural damages. We cooperate with major blade manufacturers and their subcontractors worldwide – and offer training programs that are tailored to their specific tasks.

At TECHCOLLEGE Composite it is crucial to provide a profitable education that qualifies the technician to perform high quality blade repair and maintenance of wind energy production. Our instructors are all certified and have extensive technical and practical knowledge and are able to build and improve the skills of each technician.

TECHCOLLEGE Composite - Professional training partner for the wind industry.

Blade training and courses

We offer blade training in several different areas within repair, inspection, maintenance and replacement
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Epoxy certificate course

We offer the course "Personal Safety when Working with Epoxy and Isocyanates"
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Siemens Gamesa courses

Blade C, Blade D, LPS, LE, PE, APU and more
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Composite Operator Education

The Composite Operator Education is  a 2.5-year apprenticeship-based vocational education
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Our participants say

Watch videos from the training and hear what our participants say
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Educational principles

We believe in good craftsmanship and the ability to work independently and together. That is why our training is centered around it
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Danske AMU-kurser

Se kursusudbuddet inden for epoxy sikkerhed, finish og reparation af epoxy-komposit-emner og meget mere
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Contact us

For planning of training and courses, please contact us.
Birgitte Boe Mogensen
Salgs- og forretningsudvikler