Mulilo Danish Vocational Program (MDVP) at Techcollege


Goal of MDVP

The overall goal of the Mulilo Danish Vocational Program is to provide – for enrolled participants from the program target group - job-relevant technical/vocational and personal competencies based on Danish and European Union standards and vocational education levels, with the aim of supporting the participants’ potential for positive social mobility, and the realization of future life and career opportunities within a South African society and labour market context.

Who can join the Mulilo Danish Vocational Program?

Participants must be citizens of South Africa between the age of 17 and 30 (at the time of application), who have

  • Their registered home address within the Northern Cape region of South Africa
  • Completed South African High School education (or similar) with good results in English and Maths
  • Applied for participation to the Mulilo Danish Vocational Program – and been screened and accepted by the program
  • Subsequently been approved by Techcollege for enrolment into their chosen MDVP track at the college

Active MDVP tracks at Techcollege in 2025

Apply to participate in 2026

Explore the MDVP experience at Techcollege